Attenuation of radio waves using the rubber doped with ferrite materials of type (Znx Cu1-x Fe2O4 )

  • Muhammad Hamza Daham
  • Muhammad Abdul Hafeez
  • Raheem Abd Gaber


Due to the lack of a lot of materials that are relative permeability greater than ( > 1) the extent  of the micro waves any extent to which the frequency is greater than 1 GHz, which encouraged many researchers to look at the materials be relative permeability ( > 1 ) where used ferrite materials characterized by high relative permeability. In this study it was prepared ferrite zinc - copper Znx Cu1-x Fe2O4 and values (0,0.3,0.6,0.9,1) x = and add it to the prepared NBR rubber proportions (3 , 6.9) g, and then study the loss of reflectivity coefficient for all samples prepared and embrace that most materials valid for use as debilitating for radio waves as the loss of reflection coefficient was for all samples prepared with greater than -10dB and this shows that the absorbance of the composite materials prepared amounting to more than 90% as It was studied reflection coefficient as well as know the relative permeability ( ) in the range wavelength (8-12) GHz , where it was observed that the relative permeability to be larger than the one values


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How to Cite
Hamza Daham, M., Abdul Hafeez, M., & Abd Gaber, R. (2018). Attenuation of radio waves using the rubber doped with ferrite materials of type (Znx Cu1-x Fe2O4 ). Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 20(3), 83 - 92. Retrieved from