• Al-Saphory Reaheam Tikrit unversity
Keywords: Γ^* G-strategic sensors, Γ^* AGFO-detectability, Γ^* AGFO-observers, diffusion system.


The purpose of this paper is to deals with the problem of regional boundary asymptotic gradient full order observer (-observer) concept by using internal regional case. Thus, we study the relation between this notion and the corresponding asymptotic detectability and sensors. More precisely, various important results have been examined and explored concern an extension of an approach which enables to  reconstruct the gradient of current state from internal region. In addition, it has been shown that the characterization of -observability under which conditions  to be achieved.  Finally, we have illustrate that there is a dynamical system which does not represent the observer in the usual sense, but it could be interpreted as a -observer.


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How to Cite
Reaheam, A.-S. (2020). REGIONAL BOUNDARY ASYMPTOTIC GRADIENT FULL ORDER OBSERVER VIA INTERNAL REGION. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 25(1), math 40- 45.