اللجنة التحضيرية مؤتمر دبي

تم أختيار (أ.م.د. حمادي عبطان الهلالي) / معاون العميد للشؤون العلمية في الكلية للمشاركة في المؤتمر العالمي في علم الفايروسات في دبي للفترة (26-27) آب 2015 كعضو لجنة تحضيرية للمؤتمر وللمشاركة كباحث.

البحث المشارك في المؤتمر:

Title: The viral load of Hepatitis B virus in serologically-categorized acute and chronic Hepatitis Iraqi patients

Hammadi A.Alhilali PhD is an Assistant Professor in Medical microbiology/immunology from the college of medicine, Baghdad University, Iraq. He is interested in diagnostic immunology and published more than 18 papers. He is an Editorial Committee member of journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology. He is the vice dean for scientific and postgraduate affairs.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection is a global, affecting an estimated number of 2 billion persons worldwide, a large number of them remain chronically infected. In this study, which carried out during Sep. 2011- Nov. 2012, we aimed to evaluate the viral load ranges in the different stages of the disease in a group of 120 Iraqi patients with Hepatitis B. These patients have been clinically and serologically diagnosed to have the disease using ELISA for HBsAg, HBeAg, and HBeAb, and categorized accordingly into; Acute phase (No=6, 5%) in whom the viral load (IU/ml) was ranged between 3.05*107- 4.98*107. For those in whom the Hepatitis has assumed to be chronic, the results were as follow; immune tolerance sub-group (No=10, 8.3%), immune clearance sub-group (No=6, 5%), inactive carrier sub-group (No=64, 53.4%), and reactivation sub-group (N0=30, 25%). Using quantitative RT-PCR, the viral loads were; (4.2*106-6.65*107), (1.01*105-2.3*106), (8.72*102-8.83*103), and (3.38*104-3.56*107) in the above sub-groups, respectively. The viral load were invalid in 4(3.3%) of patients in whom all serological tests were negative except HBeAb. These significant differences have lead to the conclusion that of highest infectivity may be in the acute phase followed by the immune tolerance and reactivation phases, while the immune clearance and inactive carrier were the least infective among others